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Budget Planning

Expense Budget Worksheet

A basic but important component of retirement and financial planning is working on an appropriate expense and savings budget (a sample of helpful worksheets)

College Planning

This field is important for many parents (and students). The college selection and funding/financial aid process can be complicated, but with professional help, surprising and very gratifying results can be achieved.

We have an experienced and recognized certified college planning specialist on our team who can give you real help and real solutions for the best chance of college success.

Estate and Legacy Planning

(Ask for our free booklet)

See this link here for our more comprehensive section

'I Have Put My House In Order'


Personal Records of

This record book is invaluable, if any emergency arises, to assist in handling my affairs.

Roth IRA's Roth Conversions
Contribution or Conversion Limit? Yes - $7000/year - age 50 or over None - you can convert any amount at any time, any age.
Mechanics Send a check to your Roth IRA custodian, or journal over money from another account. Submit a Roth Conversion form or request to your IRA custodian, and decide on withholding (if any) right on that same form. Taxes will be due by April 15th of the following year.
Income Limits Yes - if you are single and your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is over $140k, you cannot contribute to a Roth IRA. If you are married and your MAGI is over $206k, you cannot contribute to a Roth IRA. There are no income limits. You can convert regardless of how much money you make.

Risk Management- Insurance Planning 

See the link here for our more comprehensive section on insurance services and planning.

Contact Us Today!

Our team is highly skilled in assisting you with effective budget planning strategies, ensuring that you have the necessary tools and guidance to secure your financial future in times of economic uncertainty.

We strongly advocate for the integration of comprehensive budgeting methods, including saving plans and expenditure tracking, in response to the current global trend of increased living costs and financial instability.

If you aim to achieve financial stability and peace of mind during your retirement years...

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