Cover Your Home Base

Term Life Insurance

Permanent Life Insurance

Cash value life insurance is a form of permanent life insurance that features a cash value savings component. The policyholder can use the cash value for many purposes, such as a source of loans or cash or to pay policy premiums.

While term insurance is often appropriate for meeting the basic family protection or income replacement needs, cash value or “permanent” life insurance can be used as a wealth management tool very effectively, with today’s newer policies.

In fact, cash value life insurance policies are unique in the sense that you can enjoy several major benefits, from the same invested dollars:

  • Traditional protection
  • A tax-free “private reserve” that can function as a “better than bank rates” savings account
  • Tax-free income in retirement
  • Tax-free pool of money for long-term care
  • Paying taxes in larger estates for pennies on the dollar

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Unlock the potential of cash value policies to secure your financial future. Get expert advice on using life insurance as a wealth management tool. Contact us now to explore your options.

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